Annabelle Hydrangea


Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'

Annabelle is a stunning white hydrangea, often producing heads over 10" in diameter. Unlike the better known blue and pink hydrangeas (macrophyllas), Annabelle blooms every year even after severe pruning or intensely cold winters. The huge, white "drumstick" blooms appear in profusion without fail.

Feed: 10-10-10 applied twice during the summer when the plant is healthy.

Prune: Bloom occurs on new wood, so plants may be pruned back close to the ground in late winter to revitalize and to encourage vigorous stem growth and best form. It may help to prune Annabelle to about 18"-24" tall rather than cutting it to the ground every year.


Links: Hydrangeas!

Height: 5 feet

Spread: 6 feet

Blooming: Early Summer; Mid Summer; Late Summer

Soil Moisture: Medium

Sun Exposure: Part Shade